therefore , norimune became a member of samurai-dokoro (the board of retainers ) for the muromachi bakufu (shogunate ) and handled practical business affairs when masanori akamatsu was assigned as a shoshi (an officer ) of samurai-dokoro (the board of retainers ) after onin war . そのため応仁の乱の後、赤松政則が侍所の所司に任ぜられると、則宗が侍所室町幕府となり実務を司った。
even though he was an in no kinshin (the retired emperor ' s courtier ) belonging to the head of governors of major provinces , he was talented in practical business affairs and was called ' the influential individual of the time ' ( " kikki " - a diary of tsunefusa yoshida ), and he was assigned to be a shitsuji-betto (chief officer ) of emperor goshirakawa , and he held power within the imperial household . 大国受領系の院近臣でありながら「当世の有識」(『吉記』)と称されて実務にもすぐれ、後白河天皇の執事別当に補されて院中の権を執った。